Hi, if you plan to but a Form1 to print métal parts just remember that Formlab does not sell any more castable resin. I feel like i’ve payed for a nice scooter and learned a year after that the gasoline to make it run isn’t supplied any more. I wrote letters to Formlab and eventually someone called me from Formlab. The only proposal i got was…to but a Form2 with standard Form1 one owner discount (500 euros). That is not serious behavior. Resin and tray prices are clibing a lot ever year also. Not talking about failled prints you have to pay for anyway and that damage in one failure the tray. When i talk to the Man from Formlab who tried to justify the décision of not producing anymore castable resin by the fact that 3D printing marketing is evoluting fast i suggest that it as more to do with problems of releability of the Form1 that the outcoming of the Form2 is supposed to make forget the Formlab men replied " that is exactly that" ! Who admit is responsability and let you pay for the consquencies. I préférence not tout answer… But i rather let you know before you buy.