I appreciate the effort 3DHubs is doing to improve, and I am trying to adapt to the new pricing/quoting format.
In the thread about the new pricing system I already expressed my opinion, in short: time and wheight should also be considered. Anyway, I am here to see if anyone else have had troubles trying to fill in the new pricing (or quoting?) form.
I have found some flaws I will try to explain (or Is it that I still do not know how to use it):
Minimum Order Value (MOV). If I define a MOV it reflects in Marvin’s prices instead of the First Print (FP) price. MOV is copied into the “Customer Pays” row. This happens from the second Layer Height to the last, regardless of which Layer Height the Hub chooses as first.
“Sliced Volume” (SV). Neither SV works from the second “Layer Height” determined by the Hub to the last. Any value in SV has no effect in the Customer Pays row.
The First Print field must be available for every Layer Height. I cannot charge the same amount for a low quality First Print, say 300 microns, and for high quality First Print like 75 microns, for example. Different First Print prices should be considered for different Layer Heights.
75 microns should be considered in the Layer Height menu. This is the maximum quality some printers can provide.
Order Completion Time. I think it should be a range defined by the Hub. For example from 2 to 5 working days. If the Hub only gives one number wether it be low or high, chances are tha he/she loses clients or get bad reviews because hub did not keep the time for a printing. And, on the other hand, the hub may be discarded more often by customer filters. (Well, I do not know if I explain it clearly.)
That is all I have found when trying to define prices with the new quoting format. Perhaps I do not know how to use it yet. Has anyone had the same problems? Thank you.