Hi everyone,
I have had a customer request for a 3D print but at the moment cant see how I can help.
Wondering if anyone has any good ideas.
The lady in question has a friend who has lost a baby, her friend has the babies foot print in ink on paper but this is starting to fade and wondered if there was any way of turning this into a 3D Print.
Thank you, any ideas welcome.
September 21, 2015, 4:04pm
I have some software that as an option to turn a picture into a 3d model. Depending on the color intensity of the drawing the certain pixel gects lifted higher or lower, therefore this does only work with two color photos. I’ll have a look at the program and this option in detail in a few hours. I can’t guarantee, that it works, but I can test this method with similar pictures. Given I’ll be able to get this done then please ask the lady to contact me via my hub at: Www.3dhubs.com/siegen/hubs/marius Cheers, Marius Breuer
Hello, Nadia!
There’s this awesome option to create memorable keepsake of child foot. @Alexander_8 came up with this great idea and placed it on instructables you can check it HERE . But it does not have to be only keychain or magnet. It can be like 3D picture on the wall with a frame.
So you can try and do something following tutorial, or contact AtomJaay to help you out if you like, or you can drop by my HUB and we can talk some more. I can make you lovely keepsake wall 3D picture of baby’s foot printed and polished in bronzefill or copperfill.
Marko Salopek
I can absolutely help. http://www.instructables.com/id/Welcoming-a-new-little-Maker-with-a-3D-Footprint-K/
I made this when my daughter was born and I’ve been trying to start a dedicated service based on the process.
Adam Proctor is a founding member of the North Shore 3D Printing Club and a member of New England Creative who runs his own 3D printing hub outside of Boston, and...
Est. reading time: 2 minutes
The files of the backing can be found here https://www.myminifactory.com/object/backing-for-3d-baby-footprint-keepsake-instructables-included-6497
Thanks everyone.
And thank you AtomJaay that looks amazing. It’s such a great idea. I can go back to this customer and give her a few options and hopefully help her.
Thanks again!
September 21, 2015, 5:02pm
What software did you use and is it possible to have the depth to adjust to the intensity of the color? Now you just got the base layer and extrusion to a specific height, nothing in-between
Hey, i already did the same, also the same situation. You need a 2D scan wich you extrude to 3D. I can help you (for free) if you want.
You can mail me: joury(at)rada3d.nl
You can convert the scan to .SVG (Online SVG image converter ). Import the SVG in 123D Design (Versa Connector (TNDCI DEV) 0.0.1 - Sign On ). Extrude, combine and tweak the way you want it.
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The online shapeways tool I used in the instructable has an option for height based on contrast intensities.