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Nov 2015

Hi, just wondering if anyone here has experience with flexible filaments? So far my options are NinjaFlex, FilaFlex and Flexsolid. Did any of you try them, do you have any favorites? I’m open to other suggestions of course. I own an Ultimaker and I want to print myself a watch wrist band. Thanks!

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    Nov '15
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    Nov '15
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I’ve got experience with NinjaFlex and FilaFlex. Really like NinjaFlex more than FilaFlex as to me the FilaFlex printed objects were as similar as ‘normal’ PLA to me. Really curious if you would be able to print with NinjaFlex on your Ultimaker. Until now I’ve never seen a really good (complicated) model printed in Ninjaflex on an UM.

My printer came with a spool of Polymaker Polyflex so I have been using that pretty successfully. I have printed a few 3d hubs orders with it and I really like it now that I have the correct printer settings for it.

Using 20% infill I have printed parts that are super flexible yet strong.

I print using 223 degC, 54 degC heated bed and super slow at 20 mm/s. I have a Rapide Lite 200XL printer with direct drive extruder and an all metal hot end.

I am buying a spool of Ninjaflex next so I have something else to compare to.

Good luck!

@cbale92 - which UM do you have? - I print ninjaflex on a UMO with a few small modifications and a .65mm nozzle.

Same here, tinkering on my UMO! Thanks for the input, everyone. I found this really handy guide in the mean time on printing with flexible filaments, thought I’d share it with you: Ocean of Games 6

@cbale92 to improve performance on the UMO it is worth putting a small slippery piece of plastic in the feeder to block a small gap - stops the filament from bending, and use a larger nozzle - otherwise seems to work ok!

Hi there - We’ve published a blog on Pinshape on how to get the best 3D prints with flexible filament 14 and we compared NinjaFlex, Flexifil, Fila Flex, and Makerbot’s flexible filament. Each has it’s pros and cons so feel free to check out our blog to see which one may work best for you depending on what kind of printer/extruder you have. Hope this helps!! Also - if anyone has something to add to the post please feel free to comment and let us know :slight_smile:
