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Apr 2016

Hey Everyone,

If you are like me you probably found that the slicing program that comes with your Creator Pro (Replicator G) is not great at all and you have had to change to Makerware or third party software to get you through. Well, Flashforge has extended their support for their own slicer Flashprint to the Creator Pro and it is awesome! It is super easy to use and I suggest that even if you already have a solid slicing program, you check it out. It has a few features that others don’t, like new style of support structures, separating models . Also, if you have a Dreamer, Finder, or Guider in your setup you will find that this software works with all of them as well. I couldn’t find the link on their website for the proper version so here it is from my Dropbox to you.

*Update, the previous links seem dead, and Flashforge has changed their website to Flashforge.com 71. So

New Links Here 96

Also, here is what is now in version 3.11:

1) Floating boxes with proper nouns’ explanations appear when hovering the cursor over the proper nouns.

2) Triangle infill option is available.

3) Czech language support.

4) Exterior speed obtains a limit value for better printing quality.

5) The default infill density of linear support is increased for better quality of support surface.

6) The bug that “pause at height” function doesn’t work sometimes has been removed.

7) The hexagon infill density gets adjusted, modifying the infill amount error.

8) The bug that some thin-walled model get separated after slicing has been removed.

9) The bug that some .x3g files cannot completely shown has been removed.

Hope this helps, happy printing


  • created

    Apr '16
  • last reply

    Aug '16
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Interesting, I bet it works with the wooden creator too then. I’ll give it a try tonight.

Hey Chris,

This is fantastic news. I can’t wait to try this!

Many Thanks!!!


There is an entire guide in the help section of the software to walk you through every single detail. I believe it just pops open a PDF file.

2 months later

Hello, can you share the link again? Seems like is not available any more.

ReplicatorG it’s driving me crazy!


2 months later

I personally would try a uninstall and re-install of the program. Flashforge changed their website recently to make it more user friendly. Here is a link to the new website where you can choose your machine and OS http://www.flashforge.com/support-center/ 22 . My dropbox links say I’ve reached too many shares :(.

Good Luck,