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Mar 2017

Mine stopped intermittently after 6 months of use, but usb connection works fine. I then unplugged everything sprayed everything with those canned keyboard cleaner, tightened all the screws and fittings on the frame and the boards. I found a lot of loose stuff but the sd card function was iffy, unscrew the 4 hex bolts and take a good look at the sd card reader connections and the cavity, I found it to full of dust or plastic in there so I blasted it with it disconnected from the frame. The maker bot program auto upgrades I would uninstall the program and install the latest version, which is better than patches and upgrades. After the fresh installation of the program will slice it right if you are connect via usb, if you want to print with the sd card i would still connect with the usb do a test print, then save and use these settings for sd card printing.