When going to the home position the printer bed will not stop moving in the z direction. It appears that it is not tripping the z axis limit switch. We took the machine apart to replace some other components so I am wondering if something didn’t get put together correctly. Does anyone have a photograph of how the assembly strikes the limit switch.


I’m having trouble with this too for my Creator Pro. It appears the metal piece of my z axis limit switch is a bit bent, which may be causing the problem. Still, I don’t see how the piece is meant to be triggered in the first place. As far as I can tell, there’s nothing along the path of the build plate as it moves up that would contact the limit switch.

I noticed your post is from a long time ago. Have you solved the problem yet?

The limit switch is triggered by the bed supporting frame. It will hit the frame in the back between the vertical rods.
If you have any type of glass or other addition to the build plate you may require a shim.
Go here for a shim but also you can see where the sims are located just behind the lead screw so that is the are where the limit switch hits.