Today my left extruder came up with 0 / NA error during a print. I’ve checked the connections to the main board and everything seems to be tight. Odd thing is that it will preheat and load filament with correct temperature readings and cut outs throughout. I’ve reset the settings and the issue persists. Any thoughts?
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Sounds like it could be a bad cable. May have a break that only shows at certain times.
January 25, 2017, 1:53pm
Yep sounds like the cable is starting to go bad on you. I’ve had to replace a few cables. Eventually it will just not work at all so better swap it out whenever you can
Because the wires go back and forth in the same pattern, at some point they break = or = the wires going to the heater block are very, very tiny, and can at some point need replaced.
NOW THIS IS KEY: Do not use printer until the wires are replaced. If the wire shorts to the heater block, you can end up with a situation where 24v runs down your 5v rail, which will burn up the FET on the motherboard, or on the motherboard itself.
You can check if its shorting with a multimeter or ohm meter, but if the cable is bad, keep the printer off until you or a friend with some skills if you dont have them - fixes it.
Which cable are we talking about, the one with the four prong end or the one to the thermocouple?
There are 6 wires that run your extruder.
2 for the fan.
2 for the heater core.
2 for the thermocoupler
If it is a dual extruder FF, than you have a set for both.
“N/A” is a bad thermocoupler, OR a bad heater core. What happens is the sailfish firmware sees a bad temperature heat attempt combo, and sends “N/A” to keep your printer from melting down.
Perfect, thanks for the explanation. I’ll do some checking.
Swapped the thermocoupler 0 and 1 plugs on the mainboard, error followed. I’ll order a new one and see how it goes.