I just started having an issue where the print begins before the extruder reaches temperature.
Simplify3D process is correct, head build platform reaches correct temp and as soon as it does, it begins printing ever if the exturder temp is below the set temp so it just clicks because the filament is too cold to extrude anything resulting in a failed print attempt. Please help. Thank you
check the following, open your printer profile and under scripts look if
- Post processing is on x3g format
- look at you startup script, if it’s using a M109 command (heat up and wait) and it doesn’t work on your flashforge you can try to use the setting below;
M104 S[extruder0_temperature] T0; Heat extruder 0 without wait
M133 T0; Stabilise T0 temperature and wait
I use a quick heating on my printers, don’t have the FFCP anymore, yet I remember some issues with the slow heatup.
these days I use a a M104 first to start to heatup all together and than a M109 to wait.