Interesting item you posted there, the all metal nozzles
This print also helps level the nozzles MK10 Hotend Leveler by MakerUnit - Thingiverse
There is also a you tube video link in the summary of the item showing how to adjust & replace them.
With Item 3
I removed the blue surface, takes time and acetone to clean off the glue.
Before removal print this item Flashforge Dreamer 5mm Z-axis Shim (for glass bed upgrade) by Makersome - Thingiverse
Which is a spacer for the Z -axis end-stop, which enables you to clip a 3mm think piece of glass upon the print bed.
Apply thin layer of PVA glue, turn on heat bed to 60 C, wait until clear, begin print and allow to cool when print finished and it’s pops right off.
Don’t forget to level the bed after you have adjusted the nozzle height and changed the surface
1: 2extruders=2tolerance=always some little interference. 3: try increasing temprature of filament by 15 degrees.
1) as others have said adjusting them is quite easy Honestly it is once you have dismantled the head unit once you will be “oh was that it”
2) adjust your temps or slow your speed
3) give the bed a wipe with a warm water sponge with a hint of washing liquid wipe fully (did yours come with the extra glass plate and the 3D Lac spray?) A quick spray with 3Dlac or Aquanet extrahold hairspray should do it or use a glue stick (pritt stick or similar). I still use the build tak that came with the machine keep it clean and look after it it will be good for ages.(mine is nearly a year old and still going strong)
1) Did you try screwing in both nozzles until they truly stopped against the aluminum heater blocks (with amber Kapton tape). The aluminum heater blocks should both bottom out in the larger common aluminum mounting block. The aluminum mounting block should be parallel to the linear bearings/stainless bars - this is not adjustable without shims. It is also possible that the whole print head isn’t seated correctly in its carriage - this is installed by the customer.
2) Check out or Google “common 3d printing problems” You likely are over extruding, your extrusion temperature is too high or if using PLA, your are not cooling it effectively.
3) For ABS, try some “ABS Juice” on your blue print bed - it almost works too well so be careful removing parts. For PLA try some Kapton tape or blue tape on the bed. Rough up the tape with some light sand paper and remove the dust with a damp cloth.
You’ll figure it out and good luck!
hey Andre i hope all is well… the nozzles actually screw in there. like a nut. perhaps you can unscrew or screw one of the other to the same level should do the trick. also, i ditched that blue pad it comes with and i bought a fleks3d and a glue stick. i rarely have a problem with my prints not sticking… unless its nylon. still to this point in time, i havent figured that one out !
best regards -Bryan
You absolutely can’t just unscrew like a nut. The nozzle must be fully seated to the thermal barrier tube.
Flashforge ships their nozzles fully seated to the hot block. This is wrong. You need to unscrew the nozzle about 1/2 turn and then tighten the thermal tube against the nozzle, then after heating, again tighten nozzle. The nozzle will hang down a little lower after this so lower the bed some by tightening the leveling screws.
You do not want to bottom out the heaters into the aluminum cooling block. For one, the top of the thermal tube wont go up that far without hitting the plastic extruder mechanism. You also want a gap to avoid heating the bar too much. Normal height of the hot ends is about even with where the bevel ends on the thermal tube to the cooling block/bar…
There are other benefits to this setup past not having to gall up your thermal tubes with a set screw. Eventually this makes the hot end impossible to get out of the cooling bar. There is better heat transfer from the thermal tube to the cooling block since there are more metal to metal points of contact. The heatsink setup is far better and easier to disassemble.
Hello Andre,
1. Try to loosen the nozzle that is too high, or tighten the nozzle that is too low.
2. You can adjust the temperature using the menu features. Look through the manual for instructions.
3. If you use a new “Blue Print Pad” on the print bed that should make the prints stick.
Fry’s Electronics sells them in 8" X 10". for $9.
If not, try using some glue from a glue stick. Micheal’s Crafts has them.
Another idea that worked for me, is to use a sponge and clean the “Blue Pad”. Use it wet, while the print bed is hot.
Sometimes I use the green scratcher on the back of a sponge, if yours has that; and scratch the “Blue Print Pad”.
Kind regards
April 14, 2017, 10:27pm
Hello, 3rd issue,clean the bed with alcohol and rise the bed temperature to 80°C. Worked for me…(in PLA)
That is not correct advice to “loosen” or “tighten” a nozzle to correct height. You must move the complete hot end up or down to change height. The hot end is under extreme heat and pressure and any leakage will blow the plastic past the threads or out the top of the hot block.
April 15, 2017, 8:27am
Hey everyone, thank you so much for your answers! Really appreciate that!
Another issue that I observed recently:
4. Is not giving me very correct measurements, and in case if I print a tube it comes oval. 1 mm off.
Yes, you can shim up the not end with a piece of foil, but that moves the whole assembly and does not cure the real problem. We did that on a Flash Forge - Creator Pro, and it worked but also caused other problems. So, you “not correct advice. . .” is also not exact. You could have been a bit more diplomatic about your suggestion. Your statement is a bit harsh and rude.
You know
Shimming the whole block is totally different than unscrewing a nozzle.
I’m having a problem where my bed is not heat up at all it says is it 115° but it’s like Stonecoal can someone please help me
4. If u tryto make a circular thing, but you get an oval means that x or y are not exactly at 90 degrees. My machine does the same: I make 2 squares one inside the other, but moving one square it doesnt fit inside the other. That
s because They are not square.
Yes, but one of the extruders was loose. I don’t think it is suppose to be loose. When it was tightened the hot-ends were almost even.
April 18, 2017, 11:34am
Yeah but I am wondering if its because of the belts not being tight enough or too tight?, and how is it possible that the xy are not square? if the machine has the exact place to put them in?
You are the one being rude. His advice is correct. To change the height of the nozzle in relation to the other nozzle you have to loosen the barrel where it attaches to the cooling bar and slide the entire hot end assembly up or down. Loosening or tightening the nozzle itself is absolutely the wrong thing to do and will only lead to problems with extrusion.
Hello I am not familiar with the FlashForge but I would like to offer the following:
1. I am pretty sure the nozzles need to be at the same height…I would call support to work with someone on adjustments.
2. If you are getting a melted look it might be worthwhile to look at your extrusion rate and temperature. In my experience when I have a melted look it is due to over-extrusion and I correct it by adjusting the multiplier in the slicing software.
3. The first layer of a print is very critical to the success of a complete print. Particularly with PLA, as the plastic cools it also shrinks. So stickiness is important to keep corners and the entire first layer secured to the print bed. First make sure your nozzle height at layer 0 (zero) can pass the paper test. There is not much tolerance allowed for variance in layer 0 nozzle height. For my printer, any change in room temperature (+/-10 degrees) requires a nozzle height adjustment. Also if I jar or bump my printer/bed I will need to a paper test and adjust. Sometimes you can also increase the first layer height for the filament and also add a brim in the slicing software. If I have a long print with corner (~2-3 hours) I will always add a brim of 3mm. Hope this helps!!