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Apr 2017

Interesting item you posted there, the all metal nozzles

This print also helps level the nozzles MK10 Hotend Leveler by MakerUnit - Thingiverse 4

There is also a you tube video link in the summary of the item showing how to adjust & replace them.

With Item 3
I removed the blue surface, takes time and acetone to clean off the glue.
Before removal print this item Flashforge Dreamer 5mm Z-axis Shim (for glass bed upgrade) by Makersome - Thingiverse 5

Which is a spacer for the Z -axis end-stop, which enables you to clip a 3mm think piece of glass upon the print bed.

Apply thin layer of PVA glue, turn on heat bed to 60 C, wait until clear, begin print and allow to cool when print finished and it’s pops right off.

Don’t forget to level the bed after you have adjusted the nozzle height and changed the surface

1: 2extruders=2tolerance=always some little interference. 3: try increasing temprature of filament by 15 degrees.

Yes, but one of the extruders was loose. I don’t think it is suppose to be loose. When it was tightened the hot-ends were almost even.

Yeah but I am wondering if its because of the belts not being tight enough or too tight?, and how is it possible that the xy are not square? if the machine has the exact place to put them in?

You are the one being rude. His advice is correct. To change the height of the nozzle in relation to the other nozzle you have to loosen the barrel where it attaches to the cooling bar and slide the entire hot end assembly up or down. Loosening or tightening the nozzle itself is absolutely the wrong thing to do and will only lead to problems with extrusion.

Hello I am not familiar with the FlashForge but I would like to offer the following:

1. I am pretty sure the nozzles need to be at the same height…I would call support to work with someone on adjustments.

2. If you are getting a melted look it might be worthwhile to look at your extrusion rate and temperature. In my experience when I have a melted look it is due to over-extrusion and I correct it by adjusting the multiplier in the slicing software.

3. The first layer of a print is very critical to the success of a complete print. Particularly with PLA, as the plastic cools it also shrinks. So stickiness is important to keep corners and the entire first layer secured to the print bed. First make sure your nozzle height at layer 0 (zero) can pass the paper test. There is not much tolerance allowed for variance in layer 0 nozzle height. For my printer, any change in room temperature (+/-10 degrees) requires a nozzle height adjustment. Also if I jar or bump my printer/bed I will need to a paper test and adjust. Sometimes you can also increase the first layer height for the filament and also add a brim in the slicing software. If I have a long print with corner (~2-3 hours) I will always add a brim of 3mm. Hope this helps!!