I have been having a great time printing with my creator pro until I started getting some less desirable results. Any suggestions on how to fix this?


Is that the bottom or the top? Which type of plastic? Is the object hollow inside? How many shells did you use?


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This is the top of the object. Printed with flashforgecreator abs at 220C. It has a infill of 15%. 3 shells and top and bottom with 2 everywhere else. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Looks like the second extruder is scraping the top of the piece, check both of the bolts holding the extruder head are tight. I had one come loose and this meant that the extruders where not level causing this problem.

Yea, I actually had to dissassemble my extruder assembly and level the extruders on mine. I loosely followed this threads instructions. (Flashforge Creator Dual / Pro How to fix Dual Extruders dragging across prints.)