I am thinking about buying the xyzprinting Da Vinci 1.0 3D printer. When I do I would like to flash the printers firmware so that I can use the printer on Linux. But I am not sure if I should get the printer any more because I saw that XYZPrinting changed out their Da Vici 1.0’s mother board to use the Da Vici 1.0A or something. I heard that if you get a Da Vinci 1.0A board that you will brick your printer if you try to flash it. Have people found a way to get around this? Should I buy this printer or go with something else?
I’ve successfully flashed my 1.0a. The trick I think with the 1.0a is ther s no going back after you do it. There’s no way to flash back the factory firmware. But honestly I’ve never wanted to go back.
I had the da Vinci 2.0. Flashing the firmware and getting it up and running with SImplify3D was an ordeal. I ended up using a Raspberry Pi as a permanently attached print server. I don’t recommend. I would get a different printer.
You can flash the 1.0a without an issue, they moved the jumper but the github has all of the information you need on how to jumper it and flash it. The printer runs a lot better with this and I am able to control and watch the printer move. Repetier host and server both work better with the printer once it has been flashed.
Not quite sure why you had an issue, it was a pretty simple process and took about 15-20 minutes total. I have flashed mine multiple times. I had an issue with Simplify3D and my Mac machine, the USB times out constantly on it. When I switched it over to a Windows box with Repetier server on it all the issues went away.
1. Install Simplify3d and setup the Davinci as the printer via the menu. This enters all the defaults for that printer and it just works out of the box at that point.
2. Hit the jumper and reboot the printer in flash mode.
3. Flash the firmware onto the printer.
4. Connect the printer and add in a routine to move the bed down prior to the probe.
Issues I ran into:
Had to switch to Windows to install Arduino IDE
Install an old version of Arduino after several attempts
Simplify3D and the firmware have the extenders labeled differently (extruded 1, 2 in regards to left and right)
Repetier Server on the Pi randomly lost connection to the printer and I would have to re-add the printer
Repetier Server would shutdown and I would have to reboot the Pi.
I sold it and got a PowerSpec from Microcenter (FlashForge Dream rebadge). I still have issues now and then, but not nearly as many.
I own a 1.0A and I flashed Repetier Host onto it without any problems. It is rather simple, as long as you find the correct setup tutorial. XYZ will no longer support you with the new firmware, but that shouldn’t be a big issue and Repetier Host is a lot better.
Yah thats not going to be a problem. I don’t know why anyone would want to flash back. Everyone says that it works so much better if you are able to do it. I just wanted to make sure it can be done still, as I had heard that XYZPrinting had made it harder to do.
Ok cool. is the process pretty much the same they just moved the jumper? Connect the jumper, plug it into a windows computer, load up the Repetier software, change some settings and your done?
Flashing the Da Vinci 1.0a is literally the best thing anyone could ever do, does anyone remember using the printer unflashed. Makes me cringe thinking about it hahahaha.
I have 1.0too, and looking forward to flash it.
Hi, I have a davinci jr, I am wondering if I can flash the printer as well.
I REALLY hate xyzware since it doesnt work. I can’t put anything on the build plate and the rotating doesnt work.
Would it be the same process or not?
As fare as I know you can not flash the Da Vinci Jr just yet. I sold mine for the Da Vinci 1.0. But I’m sure that people are working on it.