Hey guys,

I have a Qilive Q.3622 using Mattercontrol to print things, but I have a little problem with the extrusion on my first layer. I have the extrusion multiplier already at 1.7 can anyone tell me what to do? BTW I’m using PLA from BQ, at 210º.

Either your PLA has bubbles in it or the feeder cannot get a good grip while extruding the PLA and skips sometimes. Do you hear any tick tock sound from the feeder in the first layer? make sure the nozzle is not too close to the bed and print slower to see if you get better first layer.

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Hey shahtamrobotics, Thank you for the reply. I do hear something when printing but it is not a tick tock sound, it sounds like as if a ballberring has no lubrification.

Try to run it without filament and see if it still makes that noise. If not check the extruder, there should be a nob to adjust the pressure of the feeder against the filament (or a spring loaded free wheel, I don’t know about your model) if it’s not pushing the feeder against the filament enough then the feeder skips and makes noises, and prints like that. And another thing, make sure when the head is moving all over the bed, the filament is not being pulled or twisted which makes it so hard for the feeder to pull it in during a print.

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