Hi All,
I just got my first 3D printer and have been having a lot of fun so far with a few nice successful prints. After a few prints, I’m not getting a problem where the first layer doesn’t stick well to the surface and ends up pretty ugly and unusable.
For reference, I printed one of the files included with the machine and it came out just fine. The very next print I did turned out poorly. I’ve attached gcode files for the included file (it’s a chair) and the file that I tried to print.
Machine: Monoprice Maker Select V2
Filament: Monoprice white PLA 1.75 mm
Slicer: Cura
Extruder Temp: 195
Bed Temp: 50
Bed Surface Material: Buildtak (included with machine)
2.gcode (6.2 MB)
pi_decaprhxh11_hose.gcode (5.61 MB)
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I’m having this exact same problem with my new printer. My nozzle may be clogged as the extruded filament doesn’t come straight out but tends to curl around the nozzle.
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I mostly solved the adhesion problem by increasing the bed temp from 50 C to 65 C. My new problem is missing layers. Tried cleaning the nozzle but no luck. I’m messing around with different settings now and will probably order some more nozzles. Good luck!
Hi folks,
Quite new in the field I had the same problems one month ago with the same printer and the same slicing soft, Cura.
I noticed that when I want to set the bed using Cura, it moves it the wrong way (it goes up when I order “down”)
I did a few things :
* I measured the hotbed. Mine is 0.76 mm lower in the center than in the corners (the setting points)
* I replaced Cura with Repetier with Slic3R. With this soft I can set a negative offset in order for the printing to begin lower. It helps but makes no wonder because the depth of the first layer cannot be more than the diameter of the nozzle (0.4mm, half of my problem). The best would probably be to use a borosilicate glass bed, absolutely flat.
* I designed a test for the printer. It is a square with diagonals, 3 mm high. I can send it to you
* I use the same bed temperatures than Opossum, 60 and 65.
* I found some 0.40 wire, very useful to clean the nozzle quite often, after heating it at 230 °C (for my PLA filament, from ToHS, supposed to work from 160 to 240 °C)
* I extrude at 210 °C
Hope it will help
Greetings from Tahiti
* before each printing I move the head up and I extrude some plastic in order to check the nozzle.
to avoid that I clean with my 0.40 mm wire and I check the extrusion before printing. It should pour straight.
Where can I get the test? Mine is acting up.