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Mar 2015

Good morning everyone,

I have preordered a Protocycle by Redetec that will be arriving this fall. I wanted to help our 3-D printing community by providing a high quality filament using recycling waste filament along with raw pellets to convert it back into filament that is ready for production.

Cost Saving will be through:

  • Provided waste filament from you + raw pellets = less money spent on filament
  • Automation
  • Local service

When I receive it I would love to provide free sample spools. I will also to provide full selection of different colors of PLA and ABS plastics. Hoping in the future to dabble in other materials as well for specialty spools.

Please provide me with any advice or suggestions on this proposition! i want our community to grow. I know through cheaper material I can help facilitate that.

Thanks for your time everyone.

  • created

    Mar '15
  • last reply

    Mar '17
  • 13


  • 2.7k


  • 8



Will the color of filament be separated? Do we receive the same colors that we sent, or can we pick different ones?

What type of pound-for-pound discount will there be, if we return large amounts of high-quality filament?


i have some parts made from PLA and Colorfabb’s XT that i could send you. You can keep these parts if you’d send me taulman3d filaments (i’d pay for them obviously). The shipment from taulman to europe (where i live) is extremly expensive. I assume that shipping to you and then shipping to me would be cheaper. If you are interested in this i’d go and check how much filament exactly i have laying around here. Also please check how much the shipment of ~1kg filament to Germany would cost.


I’m pretty sure he’s referring to selling the recycled plastic that customers send in. It would be extremely uneconomical to order a different filament, and keep the old plastic.

I did, however, order 1Kg of Alloy 910. So exited!

- Will the color of filament be separated?

That is completely up to the individual. The Protocycler has the ability to create a spool of 1.75mm or 3mm filament that can be multicolored or one solid color. For example: If you have 1 lb of white ABS and 1lb of black ABS that you want to have combined, I have the capabilities to do so. The only requirement is the multiple filaments have to be the same type. In that situation, the individual would only be charged for the conversion to create a full spool.

- Do we receive the same colors that we sent, or can we pick different ones?

I think I will offer the option of swapping colors for most of the solid color filaments. I will just have to see what the demand is for through surveys.

- What type of pound-for-pound discount will there be, if we return large amounts of high-quality filament?

In the case where only customer provided filament is being converted I will derive my pricing from the following formula:

Pounds provided X $8.00 (production fee) = Total cost


2.2 lbs (1 Kg) provided waste X $8.00 = $19.80 for a full spool of filament

*Still have to find the cost per hour to run

That is about a 40 % cost savings

I still have to work on getting a more precise pricing system for the recycling services.

Thanks for the interest Alex. Would it be possible to get your email? I plan to send an email to everyone that took an interest a link to my website when I have it up and running.

​Hey Marius, I am sorry, but I have to agree with @Joseph_Romano.

My plan is to sell the recycled plastic that customers send in. I will also be offering my own rolls of filament that should be applicable for many models of 3D printers. I will receive my recycler/extruder in the fall. If you would still be interested in this service, please provide me with your email and I will be sure to keep you posted on my progress.


Yeah, I’m awaiting myne, too! I’m gonna be doing multi color (ABS, and making sure of how clean the materials are will be mosy interesting, when 2 cats stick their head in the bag, and drag the anchors etc around, it could prove to be mostly humorous!

I think the biggest hassle will be the getting ‘old’ filaments to location!

12 days later
2 years later

Hi, I have a box of old 3D printed parts that I would like to recycle into a filament spool. We have a few large prints of the same color that, for a start, I would like to send to you, so you can recycle them using the Protocycle and send us back the filament (White ABS). Would you be able to provide us this service? Also, where are you located?

Vora’s Hub