I have a few questions about filaments because my company wants to make their own filament.
What are the tolerances for the 1.75mm and 3mm filaments?
Are there any companies that will take beads of material and turn it into filament?
There is a nice instructable for building your own recycler.
And there is the Recyclebot Wiki with more information.
Recyclebot is the link I was looking for, thank you for posting it.
Hi there!
Tolerance of the filaments depends a lot on the brand itself and the quality of the filament. For example, the Matterhackers brand of PLA/ABS is toleranced to +/-0.07 mm but their Pro line of ABS/PLA and all of ColorFabb’s filament are toleranced to +/-0.05 mm. Look around online at several different manufacturer’s and see what the average is.
As to your second question, that’s more or less how filament is made now, you can check out Filabot or YouTube for videos of the process. I know there was talk of print recycling companies awhile back, but I’m not sure where that stands now.