@Vienna3DPrint the guidelines say “whichever is greater”, so for a 20mm cube, 1% is 0.2mm, yes, but 1mm is greater so you could print anywhere between a 19.01mm and a 20.99mm cube and still be (just) within the 1mm tolerance for a print that should be 20mm.
The whole sentence says: “FDM parts need to be produced within an accuracy of +/- 1mm or 1% depending on which is greater.”
Maybe a native English speaker could formulate a less contradictory sentence.
bye, Tibor
Exactly…We try to solve a problem. Not create more.
Maybe to help quell the “uprising” support can pick top performing hubs, have them try the new rules out on a few orders and see how it goes… I feel like hub reputation is something people are forgetting plays a role here! If you consistently do garbage prints then that weighs different than if you do good work consistently. In the end I feel like we can sit and bicker but till we TRY the new rules we can worry ourselves bald over them… but till we begin to use them we can’t really say much.
@Joerg_4 on a serious note, the problem with approval by file (apart from the one given by @Georgei ) is that it’s a single instance of proof. Marvin suffers from the same problem; I can take a photo of a lovely Marvin and upload it, but there’s no actual proof it was printed by me, not a friend with a lot more experience and/or a better printer. If we were to use a test print for dimensional accuracy, ignoring the problem of the 3DHubs offices being overrun with thousands of prints, there would still be no proof that you were responsible for that accuracy or if it was your print, that you would continue to deliver such accuracy for all your clients.
Quality standards need to be something that can be checked by the Hub, the customer and, if necessary, 3DHubs for any print carried out, not something that’s done once (without any real proof) and then never assessed again.
From my own experience, you guys always side with the customer for obvious reasons, and as a hub you can’t do much to argue. Complain or call out the customer, and you’ve got a rubbish review that could ruin your hub, let it slide and people are quickly taking advantage of you. Honestly as I’ve said in the past, these new guidelines seem to be adding needless power to our customers over us and for what reason?