It would be nice to toggle materials as available/unavailable without having to delete the entire material pricing only to do it all over again when its available for print. My heatbed is down for the count and it can only Print PLA for the moment.
Yes, this is a good suggestion. I never thought about the fact that it would be so much work to remove nylon and then put it back up. I only several printers, but only one that does nylon. I would hate to have to redo a bunch of stuff if I had to remove one of my materials temporarily.
Oh my goodness, yes. Doing this to cover stock outages, or while dialing in bad calibration, would be oh-so-useful.
A step further, being able to individually disable colors without deleting them altogether would be wild (although I suppose separate “materials” could be set up for different colors, particularly for the ones that vary greatly in price).