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Apr 2015

Is it still possible to join the Fairphone case print?

I am also interested in printing for the next generation.


  • created

    Mar '15
  • last reply

    Dec '15
  • 16


  • 1.5k


  • 10


Hey @Pot8oSH3D,

unfortunately I can’t send you the badge. Your Up! printer isn’t eligible for the Fairphone program. If you keep an eye out for any upcoming partnerships there might be one which suits your printer.


Hi Fairphone,

From your review I should have passed the certification.

how can we proceed now?

What do I have to do to get on with it?



Hi @3DDruckundDesig,

(sorry for the changing accounts with my replies, it’s all Luuk)

Now that you have the badge, you can expect Fairphone orders coming in. Note that this is for the recent model. For the new model we will do a redesign and a new certification.


3 months later
10 days later

Hi, I’m interested to join the Fairphone case print. Can you please send me a certification order. Sebastien

5 months later

Hey Boelle, I guess the reason Luuk didn’t get back to you is because the Fairphone badge program has been inactive for a while. We’ll keep you updated if any news! Cheers

19 days later

Hi @gabriela3d,

i’m also interested in the Fairphone case program. Because i had an order to one of this cases. So is it possible to join the program?

