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Dec 2015

Is there anything on the way about 3D printed cases for the Fairphone 2?

  • created

    Dec '15
  • last reply

    Oct '16
  • 7


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@DIM3NSIONS indeed what @gabriela3d already wrote. Some really awesome things coming up.

Cases not though, because the Fairphone 2 comes with an external case already, making it difficult just the design something around it.

It would be good if the announcement would be made soon as there are already people having their Fairphone2 and looking for 3d printed cases.

Communication about the new Fairphone 2 accessories is somewhat a bit strange… The announcement seems to be made (I read it on Twitter), but it sounds as if it would be incomplete and as far as I can tell there has not yet been any information for the hubs… very unlike 3DHubs… Can someone shed some light on this?

Hi @DIM3NSIONS, after a couple of delays, once the project was ready to go public, we decided to announce it on social first, and we’ll definitely include it in today’s Hub Weekly, which goes out to all Hubs. Sorry if this came out a bit weird, it certainly wasn’t our intention.

As @fairphone_api mentioned, since Fairphone 2 already comes with a back cover, it eliminates the need of 3D printed cases. This is why we came up with the idea of these 2 phone accessories 5, we’re currently piloting with a limited number of Hubs: a nightstand and an amplifier. Depending on how this project takes off, we’ll extend the orders to more Hubs as well. So fingers crossed :wink:

Hope this answer your questions.

10 months later

There are no cases for Fairphone 2, but there are other products. Currently there are the Nightstand and Amplifier.

Be sure to check with someone from 3D Hubs if you could be able to print them. Specific kind of printers are needed for those, and as such, unfortunately, not all hubs can print them.

(we at Fairphone for example can’t print them ourselves).