Hi guys,
I just read an article about 5 great inventions that have been presented during POC21 (POC stands for proof-of-concept), a 5 week open-source reunion of markers, aiming at supporting energy transition. I do not have any personal link with this project, I spread the information out of the personal conviction that water is humans’ most precious resource.
Fair Cap is an open source 3D printed filter used to give access to drinkable water to millions of people. They’re now looking for any help to reduce the price of the prototype and improve its functionalities. Knowing there are great designers and engineers among the community, I’m talking about it hope some great talents will participate into that awesome and vital project.
Here’s a video that presents FairCap way better that I do: https://vimeo.com/120599681 2
And the website: http://faircap.org/ 5
I hope this thread will raise interest for this project for some of you.
Thanks in advance,
Oct '15last reply
Nov '15- 6
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