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Nov 2016

Wow! That is a jam. :slight_smile: What I can see with mine is that the filament is flattened, that’s why I suspect heat creep primarily. I.e. the filament softens due to the heat and the new extruder upgrades applying more gripping force. It may also be partly because of over-extrusion though too. I have measured and entered my filament diameter but I did replace the nozzles and maybe the nozzles aperature is smaller (they should be 0.4 but I cant measure it). Is there are way to test if I am over-extruding? Or do I just have to do trial and error?



I have printed a lot with my Rep 2X!!! it is a duel head machine but really unless your running just one side at a time it can be a total pain. I like to think of the (helps me with the $3200 expense) printer as coming with a spare set of parts since it has the duel head assembly that is flawed by design. There is no adjustment between the print heads (like on the new ultimaker 3) an offset of the hot ends. i’ve noticed when printing at higher resolution’s (under 200 Microns .20 ) the idle print head will ram the layer the other head just printed. to prevent this I just use one print head. I wanted to use both print heads but at this point makerbot support is saying I need a new Mightyboard.

I have printed over 3000 hours with this machine and used it for several large prints so I know it is a capable workhorse but at this point I only use it for specialty filaments like ninja flex or ABS. so make sure your not trying to use both print heads at lets say .15 or .10. or 100 150…Oh and only use ABS on the rep2x or season your hot end EVERY time you load filament. and make sure you have the spring loaded extruders not the ones with the alan key adjustment (so bad)

I’ve replaced lots of wiring on the printer as well a gantry bracket and the nozzles and a bot step. probably more if I think aboiut it but I am definetly looking hard at the Ultimaker 3…

good luck

So I had a thought that if heat creep is causing the issues I should go back to a print that only uses 1 head, that way I only have 1 nozze+stepper generating heat instead of two. I do make it farther but eventually the head still heats up to the same level as before (110degC on carriage/mountingblock, 60degC at stepper.) Once it has reached the temp things start failing.

The attached image is telling. You can see how it lays down about 5 good layers then suddenly the noodle placement is all over the place. The noodle placement is still centered properly so I dont think it’s XY stepper/wiring issues (missed steps). It might be extruder stepper missed steps but I suspect I may have what this guy talks about in his blog post. This page is really worth a look-see for everyone…but the TLDR version is that he disassembles stepper from head, heats up nozzle and pushes filament through easily. Then he heats up the mounting block and starts noticing a lot of resistance.

http://www.makesea.com/wiki?p_p_id=54_INSTANCE_9jGVcyv6Jb3y&p_p_lifecycle=0&p_p_state=normal&p_p_mode=view&p_p_col_id=column-1&p_p_col_pos=1&p_p_col_count=3&_54_INSTANCE_9jGVcyv6Jb3y_struts_action=%2Fwiki_display%2Fview_page&_54_INSTANCE_9jGVcyv6Jb3y_nodeName=makeSEA&_54_INSTANCE_9jGVcyv6Jb3y_title=makeSEA+Knowledge±+Printing+Magnetic+PLA+from+Proto+Pasta+with+Replicator+2X 16

I noticed during printing that at about the spot it started failing I could hear the guh-guh-guh of the extruder stepper slipping on the filament. Same sound as when it totally jams during loading but softer. Likely softer because it’s not feeding as fast as when loading filament. It was still feeding filament while it was happening though - I could see it…sooo…the extruder is definitely encountering resistance after heating up.

Image attached: yellow is bad layer, green shows good first 5 layers.

I would like to ask a favor, could someone who has a 2X and a IR or temp probe measure the temps of their head unit after a half hour of printing? I am curious how other units heat up. Something must be different from when my Replicator did work (for 12h prints!). I would be most curious what the Aluminum Carriage temp is at since it is directly connected to the thermal barrier which is where my problem likely is.