Howdy 3D enthusiasts!

Sketchfab announced a big milestone yesterday: Facebook now fully supports Sketchfab 3D embeds!

That’s a really useful update for all makers and people sharing 3D online, it’s never been easier to share interactive 3D models with your friends on the world’s largest social network :slight_smile:

Granite head of Amenemhat III from the British museum (downloadable for 3d printing)

What do you guys think? It’s a great way to share 3D models with your social connections - will you use it to ask for feedback?


Hi @Vtsst,

Really cool! How do I do it? Can’t seem to find it. I want to put Marvin out there

@Filemon paste a Sketchfab link on your Facebook post and it will automatically transform into a 3D embed :slight_smile: