Hello all, I am having an issue with my I3 V2.1, I just changed coller to Ciii and at the same time I replaced belt tensioners on both X and Y axis. Ever since, I can’t get a good print. There are some delaminated extrusion lines that I can only reduce by tweaking fan speed/temperature but I can’t get results as before upgrades (check pics to see what I’m talking about). I use Wanhao Cura for software and print PLA at 210-225C. I did make PID tunning after Ciii installment, and temperature and extrusion multiplier calibration tests. And at the moment, I have no clue where to go from here…Please help?
You probably need to increase temps further, even with PID tune, the nozzle will always be colder than the hotend where the thermistor is. Also check that your new cooler isn’t mounted higher than intended. Ideally a perfect cooling solution only ever cools the filament but not the nozzle (practically impossible but you get the idea).
thanks! Here’s what we did next and how the problem still persists:
okay, so in order to print out Shor version of Ciii, we put back stock cooler, I did PID tunning once again, this time on 100% Fan speed and 210C temp. and ran the model. It turned like this:
Extremelly brittle as you can see from the pics, and the most terrible prints I made. For comparison, here is how it came out before we tinkered anything:
So what can I do now? It was printed at 207C and 40mm speed, we replaced Y carriage as well, and I ran out of ideas
Have you tried printing with the fan completely off? Just to see if it does affect the underextrusion? I think you can try 230° without risk. I have an issue on my printer where the temp reading is way off and I print PLA at 255° with great results. (Don’t try 255° if you don’t get an improvement with 230°). Another thing to check is that your extruder works as it should. No debris on gear, gear tight, lever adequately tightened etc.