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Jul 2016

1. Measure your filament in several places with digital calipers. If it is not very consistent, then you have bad filament, and its getting snagged when too thick. If it is consistent, make sure you have it typed correctly into the filament diameter setting of your slicer.

2. print some calibration cubes at different temperatures. up and down by 5 degrees at a time.

3. The holes in the bottom of the piece on the second picture is due to layer adhesion isssue on your first layer.

You did not state if this is a new problem, or your first prints on a new printer, etc. Give us that info, and we can help further.

I’ve just checked my filament and it ranges form 1.72-1.77 is that a big difference?

Both cubes you see, have the top side facing the camera. The other side is perfect (no little holes there).

ok… I’m never buying filament from Bq ever again the black filament is exactly the same even worse around 1.80mm

Yes I know that, but there is only a little to none margin of error. I think it is ok if a 1.75mm filament has 1.74-1.76mm. Correct me if I’m wrong…