Sounds ot me like your nozzle maybe just a little bit to close to the build plate. You can also tell the printer to prime the nozzle an extra 5mm of fillament before starting the print in the startup G-Code to make sure the starting point goes down without a gap so it can come round and fully close tho loop, making it more difficult for the nozzle to pull up the first string when it comes round for the second pass.
Double check bed leveling and nozzle distance on first layer. You can add a Z offset in your G-Code by adding this line:
G92 Z-0.05 ;Manual Z-Offset negative up positive down
Note: This might be different depending on the type of printer and slicer you are using. I use this Z off-set startup code on a Cartesian style prusa clone in Cura. If your setup is different please check online for the correct way to do this on your setup as i don’t know if this works same for CoreXY and other style printers.
You can also check for warping in your build plate which can cause allot of problems in first layers looking fine as they go down but a small difference part way through the first layer can bring the printed filament just high enough that the nozzle is able to catch and peel it up in the small raised area whilst the rest prints fine.
Also note that depending on the layer height / print resolution you are using the distance of the nozzle to the print bed for the first layer should be different. For lower resolution / high layer heights the nozzle should start further away from the build plate. Higher resolution / lower layer height, the nozzle should be closer to the build plate on the first layer.
Also, what printer are you using?
Note: Different companies use different mixes for the same materials so it is not uncommon to use 200c on 1 companies PLA ad 190 or 210 for another companies.
Have you retried your previously working filament since this issue started to see if it has the same problem?
Hope this helps, let us know if it fixes the issue.