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Jan 2016

Registered: Today
Posts: 1

I managed to get a print of a strechlet out of kraken using Bowden cables and the ninjaflex material. I did this print with the printer plugged straight into the pc using repetier host to control it, I sliced it in slic3r and printed it. I then tried to do another print, this time saving the slic3d strechlet file onto an sd card and printing from the printer itself. I ensured the usb cable was unplugged from the computer to try and prevent any miscommunication happening. In this case the printer didn’t select my initially allocated head to print and picked a different head to use for the print. Even though I clearly specified which head to use. How do I fix this. I am a rostock delta as my printer with only 3 of the 4 kraken extruder heads actually available for use.

  • created

    Jan '16
  • last reply

    Feb '16
  • 4


  • 986


  • 4


From what I can workout from your post. You have been able to print with the USB connection, with the right head.

Now you moved to using the SDcard and the rostock is now not choosing the correct print head.

Maybe check the slic3r settings before you export the g-code and set slic3r settings so it knows about the 4 extruder’s

If you are using one nozzle out of the 4 then ensure that correct heater is selected within your printer’s control software. It also need to be above the min temp of 170 degrees c to be driven.

I think you will find that you can only extrude from one nozzle at a time.

Did you use slic3r or repetier host to slice your file? my guess is that you use slic3r alone whitout repitier host and the setting was not export corectly to slic3r alone.

Hi guys, to 3DPrintandstuff; You are correct in your initial statement taken from what I said. I looked at my slicer setting as I have selected the head i want to print from (3rd head) and set the temperatures and everything for it. But when i save this onto the SD card it heats the bed to my specified temperature but chooses the 1st head to heat to my specified temperature. I will double check it again to be totally sure but i understand why its doing this. I am only trying to print from the 3rd head and the head was to be heated to 230 degrees and the bed to 50 degrees. To answer spark111: I used slic3r to slice it but it does it in repetier. When i go to slice any model repetier asks me to pick a slicer engine and it externally opens up the package. I can pick from slic3r, skienforge and Curaengine. I have always used slic3r because i know it best, and never used the other 2. To answer 12x12InchPrint; the defualt head is the 1st head i think and i can print fine with this. It prints a different material and my goal is to eventually do a dual print so i need to fix the problematic head to do so.