Hi guys!
I am quite new to 3D printing and I am having an issue where the filament extruded from the noozle splits in two when the head is moving in a certain direction. My settings are:
-Red PLA 1.75mm
-Blue tape on heated bed
-190° head/ 60°C bed
-Layer height 0.1mm / Initial layer height 0.2mm
-0.4mm Noozle
-Flow 100%
-8mm brim
-Anet a8
-Cooling fan starts after the first layer
-Using Cura with basically the default settings.
Before this problem, I had a few succesful prints with PLA. Then this problem showed up when I switched to ABS.
I am having this trouble now while printing with PLA or ABS. I also leveled the bed multiple times and at different heights with always the same results. I also tried multiple different temperature/speed/thickness settings with no better results. The adherence on the tape is good because the plastic sticks well. I also tried printing on a different part of the bed and the results are the same.
As you can see on the picture, the filament always splits on the top part when the head is moving towards the left. Then, one half sticks to the bed and another hangs on the head until it lays down in the middle of the print.
I am currently suspecting there is a problem with the noozle because when I feed filament through it, the filament curls out instead of going straight. But it does not split.
Finally, I linked the thingiverse page of my 3d model : https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1179160
So, if any of you have an idea about what my problem might me it would be great.
Thank you!
I think you are right about the nozzle, maybe a tiny bit of burned plastic stuck in the tip.
Do you have spare nozzles? If not, you should. 
You can try running a thin wire or drill bit up the nozzle. Most hobby stores carry ‘piano’ wire and should have .4mm (if that’s what you are using.) As an alternative, you can buy micro drill bits specifically marketed for that purpose on eBay and Amazon.
If you don’t mind removing the nozzle, you can hold it with pliers and hit it with a butane torch for a couple or three minutes. I’ve found that more effective than wire or drill bit, but keep all three at hand.
Apologies if this is old hat to you.
What brand of filament? It looks like the fan is either kicking on too strong, but i would first try increasing the temp by 5c at a time until you reach 210, if that doesn’t work then try turning the fan speed down
Sounds like the nozzle might be partially clogged. Try removing the nozzle and soaking it in a glass jar or cup filled with acetone. Make sure it’s glass, certain plastics will dissolve. After 15 minutes take a sewing pin and poke it through the nozzle
ABS is quite a bit more challenging, the nozzle temp should be closer to 240 and the bed around 80. You may need to remove your nozzle and clear it, the ABS may have clogged it. ABS may need a temp controlled enclosure for the best results as well. I was given some advice when I started, I was told to put in 500 hours with PLA and manually leveling so I could get to know my machine . I must say that I agree
Good luck!
ABS is quite a bit more challenging, the nozzle temp should be closer to 240 and the bed around 80. You may need to remove your nozzle and clear it, the ABS may have clogged it. ABS may need a temp controlled enclosure for the best results as well. I was given some advice when I started, I was told to put in 500 hours with PLA and manually leveling so I could get to know my machine . I must say that I agree
Good luck!