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Sep 2014

I have received an order this evening and I do not want to honor it… the reason is mine. I declined it in my hub interface but the customer made a new order.

What should I do?

@Luuk, @Filemon, @sandrako… may you help me a bit?

Yeah, the customer ordered to my hub (Gloomy Spark), same STL one more time. I may give you the order numbers

Well, just refuse again I guess. Maybe by accident he/she chose the same hub again. Type a comment explaining that this is an order you can’t accept. The admin (who is that in this case?) should then be in touch to help the customer find another hub. That’s a service we’re supplying from our side.



Hey @GloomySparker, in general, if you happen to be unavailble for orders, for whatever reasons, you should be able to take your hub offline and then back online again. But if you just want to decline only one order, I guess all you can do is say ‘no’. Probably the customer came back by mistake, so as long as it’s ok for you to say ‘no’ again, I’m sure they’ll understand :slight_smile:

In fact my hub was available… I just did not want to honor that specific order for personal reasons.

Usually, I love give the ability to people to touch object that they have modeled in their CAD software… which is exactly the spirit of 3DHubs.