I have been playing around with different filaments for a while experimenting with the properties that each material offers. I feel like I have covered a good bit of the spectrum, I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for any other filaments to play with?

I have printed a wallet in Ninja Flex and Taulman Nylon, a drone camera mount in HIPs and Proto-Pasta Carbon Fiber, a food safe Coffee mug, a Counter Strike Karambit in Proto-Pasta Stainless Steel, I have played with ColorFabb PETG+, a range of different woodfils, bronzefill, esun copper, water and lemonine disolvable filaments.

Is there anything I am missing?

Please comment below!


Nice collection @3dpGeek, love the wallet and the Marvin squad insert punch emoticon here

Any recommendations for Chris, guys @Alex3DHubs @ChrisCho @Dom1nic?

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Looks nice @3dpGeek! I’m very curious myself about the cork- and brassfill. We’re ordering it on Monday so I’ll keep you updated on it :slight_smile:

I am currently printing something with the @ColorFabb Carbon Fibre but it ruined the nozzle on the CraftBot unfortunately so I need to order a new one as well haha!

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I am also curious about the corkfil, let me know how it goes! That’s the think that makes me nervous about the Carbon Fiber, it’s very abrasive!


Thank you @gabriela3d ! I love my Marvin!


I’m interested in working with the hemp filled filament. That and maybe the coffee one (to bug the other people in the office).

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Hemp is a good idea

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What was the food safe filament you used? This is the one thing I think I have been missing from my list.

The are a few companies making FDA Approved filaments. Maker Geeks has one. I used a company in Atlanta who makes there own filaments.

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Hi Cbrown! First of all, good job! :slight_smile: as far as I can remember you have semi-flex (similar to ninjaflex but with diferent elasticity, and you also have Moldlay filament! Keep it up! :smiley:

Thank you very much! What is Moldlay?

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Moldlay is a filament used for molding. Check this out, is better for you to understand :slight_smile: http://3dprintingindustry.com/2015/02/16/industrial-manufacturing-desktop-new-moldlay-3d-printing-filament/

Wow I wish I had that filament 2 years ago! I would definitely won my schools Concrete Design Challenge.

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Glad to share some usefull and new information with you :smiley:

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Since you seem to know a lot about different filaments maybe you could answer my question, I am trying to have a wallet printed, pictured above, I have tried NinjaFlex and Tualman Nylon. I think the Ninjaflex is to soft and the nylon is good because the thicker areas don’t bend as easy. What would be a good filament to try?

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Taulman PCPTE Nylon is pretty cool stuff. Print really easy for a nylon, and is indestructible, with a good flexibility. Good for impact resistant parts.

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This might sound weird but I noticed the wallet you made has a KSU ID in it. I go to KSU as well and was wondering how you have been doing you prints. I bought a da vinci 2.0 dual extruding printer but yours look like higher quality than mine. Are you able to utilize the Marietta campus printer or do you have your own as well?


This might sound weird but I noticed the wallet you made has a KSU ID in it. I go to KSU as well and was wondering how you have been doing you prints. I bought a da vinci 2.0 dual extruding printer but yours look like higher quality than mine. Are you able to utilize the Marietta campus printer or do you have your own as well?


Please tell me your experience with protopasta CF, I want make the jump and mod my printrbot with UBIS + steel tips + heated bed and start doing more useful things.

Are the printings actually stiffer, is there any difference in weight?

Does it prints nice with the bed off?

Is a 0.4 mm tip a bad idea for it?


We make our own filament and we have yet to have anyone test our copper flexible, superconductive PLA, conductive ABS, fire resistant ABS, UV sensitive color changing PLA, and heat sensitive color changing PLA, polycarbonate is another one that is fun as well. Was going to start searching for testers in a separate thread but you might be one we could send some test material to. Chris

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