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Aug 2018

Hi @User_1240 why are you steering clear of calling this a DLP printer? That’s what it is, it uses a projected image rather than a laser, yet in your Kickstarter blurb (under “Why choose the Lotus EZ”), you say:

“Not only is our resin printer able to produce stunningly high resolution prints, but compared to other SLA technologies (such as DLP), it is considerably more affordable”

It’s a great pity you haven’t got a good solution for what, for me, was the biggest pain of SLA - resin handling. How do you see a workflow with multiple resins? A tray for each resin? Draining and cleaning? Do the trays have a good storage box that keeps them safe and light-free?

i had a look and they might have corrected the page as it now says LCD on the top

I did not give it much look as i dont like to be a beta tester for that amount of money :thinking: