I am new to 3d printing I have had my printer for about 3 months. Everything has been going very well with some very good results with my anet A8. However I recently noticed that the 20mm fan has been acting a little strange, It use to run continuously while printing now it turns on when I turn on the printer but when it starts to print it shuts off and intermitantly turns on runs for a while then shuts down again, I’ve checked the fan and even instaled a new fan. I noticed that the power coming off the board is also intermitant when printing but is on constant when not printing is this normal?

Can you reproduce the problem by pre heating so the fan is on then moving the gantry around like it was printing? Move the wires around also.
It sounds like a bad connection but if the power right at the terminal on the board is also intermittent then it may be a board issue.
Also check the wires and connections for the temp sensor on the extruder. Maybe it is sending a bad signal or an intermittent one.

have checked all the wiring and it checks out ok when i measure the voltage coming from the pins on the board I get power until the head starts printing then it shuts off and comes back on intermittantly while printing, I’ve done a few prints and they have come out fine but i’m concerned that the head will overheat.

It really sounds like a short on a wire that only is detected when things start to move.
That’s why I suggested heating the extruder so the fan comes on then move it around by hand to see if you can recreate the problem.

I had a similar problem recently and was able to reproduce it and find the bad wire.