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Dec 2015

Hi all just picked up an Up Plus! original and it won’t move at all the initialise says its moving in up inspector but the printer won’t actually level or move all the axis hold strong if i try and push them they won’t budge but will not move via software control. I am asking you guys as a community for any help at all you can provide that might help me fix this paperweight (£250 on a new extruder!) Err Codes 002 ~ 007 Motion Error & Z positive limit error these are the errors i got from the software when trying to start a print

  • created

    Dec '15
  • last reply

    Dec '15
  • 4


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Check Z-limiter-switch and cable. The worst case is fried controller port from Z-limiter-switch - changing motherboard not so cheap :frowning:

I found someone who has a replacement up plus board with cpu for sale but it’s got a 16 pin extruder port and I have a 14 pin ribbon cable is there any way to make them compatable as I just spent £250 on a 14 pin extruder?

I’ve managed to gather I have a v12 board I could possibly upgrade to a v20 board I can get all the pieces but does any one know where to get hold of a v12 cpu before I go for a v20 board and cpu to save as much hassle as possible ? Or if a v20 cpu will work in a v12 board?