I recently got my cobblebot Kickstarter printer and assembled it, having issues where when any of the endstops are triggered it turns the printer off, kinda hard to screw up the wiring on it, help me please
If the printer shuts off and restarts it means you short it when it is triggered. If I remember correctly you either have to torn the connector 180 degrees or swap two of the wires. Not sure anymore.
Hi - you should join the cobblebot community on google plus. All these issues have been discussed there. Also, people have showcased their upgrades out there.
For or this problem, the issue is that the switch on the endstop has been soldered incorrectly and it shorts out +V to GND - shorting the board and resetting it. You have a few options:
1. Buy new endstops and use them
2. Unsolder the re-solder the switch correctly
3. Re-wire the endstop plug so that it shorts GND to Signal instead.
I’m assuming the back of the endstop is expose and the metal contact is touching the extrusion bar? You need to use duct tape or something to keep the endstops metal and extrusion bar from contacting and shorting it out.