Hi everyone. I am relatively new to 3D scanning and we purchased an Einscan pro at work to do full body scans. We have had a very difficult time capturing the full human body, not to mention how long it takes to capture even the little that we can (full of holes, frequently loses tracking). Does anyone have enough experience with it to give us advice? We don’t fully understand the brightness feature (is darkness optimal or lightness, is high contrast easier to capture?) Or did we just make the wrong purchase and this machine cannot do what we want. Thank for your help!
What is the requirement of your 3D scan? Do you need texture with color?
The DSLR array is the best way to do full body scan by now, it can get highest resolution but it cost a lot.
If you can accept the medium resolution you can try 3~4 Kinect from Microsoft with one rotate-stand and using KSCAN software to get medium resolution result.
And there is one mirror can scan your body also (https://naked.fit/ 16) it use 3pcs RealSense from Intel.
I think the result will similar to KSCAN with 3 pcs Kinect from Mircosoft.
By using only one hand hold scanner to scan full body is not the right way by my experience.
Hand hold structure scanner is better for scan things not for human.
Sorry to hear ypu feel this way. Lighting is very important when doing scans. You should have no shadows and the light must be equal from all sides. Eg, dont scan near a widow. Theere are ways to scan hair, fingers, etc. Scanning is not as easy as point and shoot. You have to understand what you are doing.Try contacting einscan directly for assistance and if you still cannot succeed then it is the scanner. Good luck
Hi Rebekah, I am a little familiar with the Einscan pro. I think this 3D scanner is capable of scanning smaller things in high detail. I don’t know if bigger things like a person will give the required results.
I am working with the Structure Scanner by Occipital. This is an iPad add on which is capable of scanning big things, but with little less detail compared with the Einscan pro. For example, I can scan things as big as a car or even bigger.
You need an iPad 4th gen or newer and the complete bundle ($499). This contains a Windows application “Skanect Pro”. While scanning with your iPad, a stream between you iPad and Windows PC is set up to collect all the input data. Skanect will reconstruct a 3D model by analyzing all the input data. In my opinion the results are great! If it has undetected areas (holes in 3D model), it can close them with the “watertight” functionality.