Southridge High School is online now as SRHS on 3D Hubs. We are an Engineering Club that meets on Fridays and we have Engineering classes during the school day. We are partnering with 3D Hubs to offer 15% discounts to students and teachers. For example, we have printed science fair project parts for students and we have printed wind turbine and bridge parts for teachers to use in physics classes. As part of a daytime Engineering class, students have printed prosthetic hands through eNable (

Our delivery time is not going to set any records. We have teacher and volunteer advisors that can print during the day. Primarily we start a print after school lets out at 2:30pm and pull it off in the morning or after school is out the next day. We hope to improve our organizational processes and improve our design skills with the help of our advisors.

Looking forward to meeting other Hub owners.

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That is right down the street from me, that is awesome, congrats! I’ve been online for… 6 months? Had a couple jobs here and there. Mainly all the profits I make just go back into my printer, it’s a pretty slick process. It’s mostly about location, but it’s hard to get the right price point to where you’re not “wasting your time” by working to hard for no money. Good luck! I’m sure everyone here would like to see some of the stuff you guys have been printing! James

What in the hell is going on with this post!!! What is with all of the spam??? James PS, I hope all is well with you Richard!