I recently bought a wanhao duplicator 4s and i’ve encountered afew difficulties. My main problem is which software to use that offers a great deal of settings which i can alter and also saves it as an .x3g file. I’ve downloaded afew of the free ones, including slic3r, makerware and makerbot desktop. The last 2 allow me to save as the desired file type but don’t allow me to alter my bed temperature. Slic3r however does, but doesn’t save it as the file my printer needs. I downloaded GPX to convert it but it forgets all my preferences and then starts to print mid-air with extruder temps set to 15 Degrees.
Any help would be appreciated as i am a complete novice at this and have pretty much no idea what i’m doing.
I have the same printer and the best advice I can give you is to buy Simplify3D. Best upgrade to this printer I’ve ever made. That and adding the part cooling fan. I used to have some problems which forced me to jump around between Makerbot desktop and the one that came with the printer. Simplify3D does it all but better. You can even set different temperatures for different height of the objects, which is useful when printing on buildtak for example, so that you don’t ruin it with too high temperature when printing with ABS or PC.
March 6, 2017, 1:17am
Use slic3r 3d or repetier
I’m using simplify3D to run my Wanhao D4X, 4S, and I3 and . It works perfectly. Beside it allows you to save your model into .x3g, Simplify3D does offer many others benefits. You might want to check it out on their website.