@Dremel3D might you be able to help @Lawra_Velazquez?
Your thermistor has gone bad. It could likely burn up your printer.
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/flashforge/eMCJG-vX7o0 314
i’ve had that to and i have returnd it for a new one, the new one i have now works doesn’t has that problem.
have you solved your problem? , i have the same issue .
dremel support send me a new hot end assembly but didnt solved the problem.
Hi there!
Sadly, no I haven’t fix ti…yet. On the bright side we did solve what it turned to be, (with some help of engineer friend) the main motherboard had some serious damage in some pins… so basically I need to buy a new one. (also he helped me to find that Flashforge has an exact model called Dreamer that I cloud use the same motherboard.
Or for more information…Maybe this answer could be your case.
The thermistor has gone bad. It could likely burn up your printer.
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/flashforge/eMCJG-vX7o0 256