Do not Buy Ecubmaker 3D Printer!

This is a scam machine from China

If you buy it, you will get useless box. And no refund!

Hi @Nick_Peak

Did you buy it ?

I bought one of their basic models (not pro). It’s not a scam but has same issues as the CTC brand (which is cheaper btw). Lack of support, locked firmware, some cheap or broken parts that you will need to replace, such as the 3mm Aluminum bed which constantly adjusts its flatness.

For a couple hundred dollars more then the CTC brand printer, I feel this company should be avoided due to the issues I have encountered. They also seem to have a lot of staff issues which makes you wonder whats going on behind the scenes?!

PS. It’s a replica of the Flashforge Creator 3D, many are copying this printer. Most don’t have any support or quality control done so buyer beware. I should have just kept saving up for another year or so for a better brand printer then getting a new/unknown brand.