I am printing a half-dome and get uneven surface at the top of the dome. The dome shell is about 2 mm and the dome is ± 90mm diameter.

On my FlashForge Creator Pro I am using Simplify3D slicer and print with the following parameters:

process1 (0 to 23mm height)


extruder temp 225 deg

bed 110 deg

speed: 30mm/s

outline 60% underspeed

process2 (38mm to top) (added a second process to try and improve the uneveness but still not good)


extruder temp 225 deg

bed 110 deg

speed: 20mm/s

outline underspeed 65%

I also tried to print the dome with internal support but that seems to make it even worse on the out side.

Different options with temperature between 225 and 235 does not make a big difference.

Any ideas on what to do to make a dome print good from bottom to top since the actual speed relative to layer changes as the circumference gets smaller.

Fillement: Verbatim ABS grey.


Make sure your fan is off for ABS. It looks like you may be running a little cool. Also use 0.1mm layer for top. The topography map effect kicks in for small curvature areas like this (ergo use the highest resolution use have there) Also you need at least 35% infill for non-flat contoured upper surfaces.

Hope that helps,


I reduced the layer for the top and slightly increased the temp. The print looks better but not great yet. Will step up temp further and reduce speed also.