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Apr 2017

With complex designs there is sometimes a need for supporting your print.

After the print process there is a lot of leftover structure that need to be removed. By hand!

Sometimes this is a daunting task. (something you don’t need with a advanced process like 3d printing)

Wouldn’t it be better to print a water desolvable resin to build a lattice support structure BEFORE you print a complex part from any other material? (a special lattice support head perhaps?)

After the whole printing process is done you only need to submerge the part in water and wash the leftover lattice structure away…

I dont know if something like dissolving support structures ever been implemented into a 3d printer. But this idea just popped in my head.

  • created

    Apr '17
  • last reply

    Apr '17
  • 3


  • 783


  • 3


There is something similiar already, It is PVA filament. Using dual extruders you would print your regular filament in one nozzle and PVA in the other nozzle.

PVA prints like wet spaghetti. Some materials (Ultem®, Polycarbonate) almost require dissolvable supports for complex prints as the materials and supports have such high TG’s and strength it is nearly impossible to break away supports.

Maybe is a good idea to design a edible water solvent solution based filament paste with a corn /hot-sugar gelatin based mix that dries quick.

Horse fodder pellets are based on the same principle. (these are pretty sturdy and can be used as support)

Excess 3d print material what can be fed to lifestock looks like a good waste material. :wink: