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May 2016

I really want to print 25 nanometer and smaller details for jewelry. I was hoping there was a website that prints for the public just like Shapeways, iMaterialize and whatever other website. I know Formlabs Form 2 prints 25nm - 100nm which could be adequate. I’ve just come across Nanoscribe and my gosh I wish someone would print for the public like the websites I mentioned above. The ultimate question is, what commercial printing options do I have for printing such intricate details? What printers do iMaterialize and Shapeways use? If I knew what they have I wouldn’t have to experiment using them and I figure they know that. Thanks for you guys help!

  • created

    May '16
  • last reply

    Jun '16
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Hey @sprinkleCat,

Are you sure you want to print details of 25nm? Formlabs can print up to 25 microns, which is 25000 nanometer. If you go to Online 3D Printing Service | Instant 3D Printing Quotes | Hubs 6 you can find service providers all over the world who have Form2 printer and can print really intricate details. You can use this link: Online 3D Printing Service | Instant 3D Printing Quotes | Hubs 5 to search for them :slight_smile:

Otherwise, check out Online 3D Printing Service | Instant 3D Printing Quotes | Hubs 1 for some other very precise technologies

Xact3d hub will do the 25 micron for you with the Envisiontec jewelry 3d printer.

I think the best resolution is achieved by SolidRay, as long as the small surface suits your needs, it is the best option (and probably the cheapest). You can use almost any resin with this printer.

There is no printer working on a nanometer scale unless you go to some place as the NASA or something like that. I imagine you want to print with 25 Microns which is very different. You have to ask if these 25 microns are not only on the Z axis, but also with the XY axis. Formslabs is not working with 25 XY. Most of the printers are doing only 100 microns on XY so you have to be careful with this. Z axis is only related to building “layers”. Therefore, you also have to consider the “Pixels”. So a better work should be on the DLP (Digital ligth Projection) not on the SLA (Stereolitography). You may see that a laser has “Laser Spot Size (FWHM) 140 microns”. which is very far from a true 25 XY microns as other printers have. Find some other printers like the B9 creator.

16um in Z, ~67um in XY with the normal or HD version, ~34um in XY with the XHD version


My name is Sean and I work for Red Door Distributions. We are the main distributor for the B9Creator and are recognized by B9 as their jewelry experts. We also provide a service bureau for jewelry companies like yourself. Please feel free to checkout our website: reddoordistributions.com 4 or email me at sean@reddoordistributions.com. By the way we can print in 30, 50, or 70 microns xy, with a z-slice of 20 microns.

Thank you for your time.


I heard Formlabs material is hardly burnable. If only you don’t mean that kind of “plastic jewelry” or “nylon jewelry” **pleh** - material is always burned out while investment casting process.

So you need RP service which runs some of the machines: Solidscape, 3DSystems ProJet CPX family, or Envisiontec (Perfactory, Aureus). These are suitable for sure.

The option is, to find someone who adopted Envision resins for his/her custom DLP printer, like me :slight_smile: