Hi @Clinton_Gallagh it could possibly be done with FDM as well. I’ve printed cones that had a point sharp enough to hurt (guess how I found that out). It’s mostly going to be about the material and the settings (as, of course, most things are). How important is it that the shapes are precise? Is it something that’s going to be examined closely, or is it simply that you need this structure/shape rather than absolute precision in the shapes themselves (if you see what I mean).
Its the pyramidals shapes and the array that matter. The shapes do not have to be sharp in fact a little rounded nub would be perfect for the application. I need an array of shapes as a mold I will brush latex onto and them remove afterwards; its the latex results I need.
Thank you all for confirming such little droplets can be printed in an array
Yes this can be done with a good SLA printer. For small shapes, it is especially important to have high resolution prints made. We will be happy to print your part for you if you need assistance.