I want to print an iron man helmet. I want this helmet to be as realistic as possible. I figured out that I can make it extremely realistic if I print in Copperfill and Bronzefill. This will allow the helmet to have a realistic weight and look. How strong would the helmet be though? Would it withstand wear and tear? Could I put electronics on the helmet? Would it break if dropped? If this material is not ideal please specify alternative materials. Thanks so much!
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I would use normal PLA and paint it after printing.
In your other post you asked if there was something stronger than Bronzefill PLA. Well I’v found you this: https://www.plastic2print.com/1-75mm-performa-abs-bronze-filament.html
Again, I must say that printing in cheap PLA and making moulds would be more effective. You could then use a black polymer blend and cold cast it with bronze and even embed carbon fibre sheets in it.
If its 3D printed, it should be decently durable. Don’t expect it to protect you from a punch or anything, but dropping it would probably not be a problem. Use a hexagonal infill, the higher the better really. Yes, you could mount electronics. Best thing to do would probably be to make simple rectangular cutouts into the helmet inside to make space for components.
If you are going to be wearing something all day you dont want realistic weight. You want as light as possible.
You’re right! OP, Tested has done a few videos on youtube with costumes, Adam Savage usually looks really hot and sweaty after only a few minutes in a heavy costume, light is better! And breathable too. They also pretty recently uploaded a video interview with some prop makers who use 3D printing for their helmets, so I think you’re in the clear
Thanks so much for the response. This helmet will be for decoration but I want it to be strong enough to not break if accidentally dropped. I will not be wearing it.
Thanks so much for the response. This helmet will be for decoration but I want it to be strong enough to not break if accidentally dropped. I will not be wearing it.
I like the filament you suggested but it is just not very widely known. I don’t even know how to find a hub that offers this. I thought about molds and they will be way to expensive verses just 3D printing the helmet. This helmet is just for decoration and I will not be wearing it. I want the helmet to be strong enough though in case it’s dropped. If you have any more suggestions please leave a comment.
I would but PLA is not realistic enough weight wise. If you have any more suggestions please comment below! Thanks
Try this video: http://youtu.be/9DpllpOJjOg
always been a fan of paper craft and papier maché.
Thanks for the video but this is not realistic enough
Well you wouldn’t just stop there. You’d apply car body filler and smooth it out.
I really want a full 3D printed helmet, thanks though