So, just finished printing a few calibration objects. As usual, the printer did autohome at the end. A few minutes after I started smelling smoke, which is usually bad.

Upon checking the printer the panel showed extruder temp to be 308/0 which I reckon was the reason for the smoke. Could someone explain what could be causing this? The printed Gcode correctly sets bed temp and extruder temp to 0 as part of the end process.

Also, does anyone know whether deltawasp supports M81 Gcode command to turn off the ATX power?

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Hi Toni,

If you think it could be a Gcode problem, try to use another slicer software.

If you make another print and the issue doesn’t disappear, it could be a broken of something in the regulation system of temperature.
Changing the extruder is the ultimate solution I suppose.

Good luck
