I’ve read some feedback about bed leveling in this printer series. I have a problem with it too: the center is always higher than the other 3 points. As a result, prints stick a lot more to the center than in the periphery. It’s not critical, but I would like to fix this.
However, the main problem is that we can’t get a uniform bed temperature. It’s always hotter in the center too. I think this results from the spaces between glass and aluminium plate (they are apparently in contact, but the contact is far from perfect).
Someone had a similar issue? How did you solve it?
The problem with the center being closer resides in your Delta Settings (found in Motion menu). There are a lot of prints on thingiverse that help you get all of these numbers exact.
For our purposes though you want to be focusing on the Radius. If you imagine a pendulum that swings, how it rises as it moves away from the center. That’s what’s happening to your printhead - and what this setting fixes. Off the top of my head I can’t remember if increases equals convex or concave but just move it a couple points and go through the leveling process and you’ll know if it’s getting closer or farther to adjust appropriately.
As as far as uneven bed heating - not all heaters are created equal. Many (airwolf, lulzbot, etc) have uneven heating if you view with a thermal camera. That’s not a helpful answer but it may help you not spending forever chasing air gaps. I honestly am not familiar with the heating pad on my 40 70 so if you learn anything please update.
Check the heat settings of your 3D Printer. The mid portion receiving more heat than the edges is an indication of improper heating of the print bed. Try changing the print bed to a new one. Maybe this could help.
Hello, I was completely unaware of that radius setting, it makes all the sense! Will give it a try.
In fact, I have disassembled the bed to check it. It has 3 silicone pad heaters (placed evenly, centers making a triangle shape), and in the middle of the pads (center of the bed) there is a thermocouple that senses the temperature. So you see: it’s difficult to get an even temperature with only 3 heaters. My best guess to solve it would be to put thermal grease between glass and plate.
Thank you for the reply!
Please report back if the grease works… Time is valuable and I’d rather use yours for experimenting
After you get your Radius figured out, there’s a good delta calibration on thingiverse that comes with an excel spreadsheet. I recommend going through this process as it will dial in dimensional accuracy. This calibration will adjust the X Y and Z variables in the Delta Settings menu.
With the Wasp I highly recommend taking a picture of the settings with your phone as well as writing them down on a note and taping somewhere (inside of the filament spinner area works if you don’t need it often) because I’ve found that I can’t trust the machine memory to hold onto everything when I turn it off or unplug it.