Hi everyone,
I’ve been trying to get my printer running properly for some time now, but I keep having problems with the extrusing rate, the setting below is what i’ve flashed into my printer.
However whatever I do to the extrusing value, the amount of extrusion does NOT change.
I’ve tried values like 100, but also 8000.
When I extrude in pronterface or simplify3D (100mm) it won’t matter, it will only extrude something like 1cm of material.
#define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT {160, 160, 8000, 1550}
I’ve got a mendel prusa p3steel xl with a e3d v6 bowden extruder running marlin 1.1.0-RC2.
When testing the extrusion I offcourse work without the hotend attached.
Aug '16last reply
Aug '16- 3
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