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Dec 2017

Greetings all,

Im relatively new to the 3D printing world and really only do it for the fun of it but recently my Davinci 1.0 A has been giving me problems with the heating element in my extruder. i was running a print over night when the spool jammed up and stalled the machine. i didn’t get to it for about 8 hours when i cancel the print and restarted my machine, i ran into a problem with the extruder temp

At first it would only heat up to about 50 or 60 degrees then after changing my settings to default and restarting my machine it wouldn’t go above 20 degrees and stagnate around there till it gave me the 0011 error. I scowered the web for answers and i came up with 2 things. 1 its the connectors or 2 a fuse blew on the mother board.

I stripped and soldered the wires together that the connector was holding and from what i can tell the mother board has no blown fuses. I checked the voltage the cord was out putting and i’m only getting roughly .3vs.

would anyone else know what else might be wrong / what it is i could do to fix this issue?

I had similar issues, it could be the (thermistor?) temperature reader, your hot end is most likely getting hot enough but the printer thinks it’s only 20 degrees or so, it might also be the heating element that’s broke and barely heating. Luckily both parts are cheap and I believe most decent online places will sell those parts, never go to XYZ as ordering from them can be a real pain.

i ended up switching to an E3D hot end a while ago, it was well worth it. The stock DaVinci hot end is ass.

Unfortunately I’ve had the same issue twice, I’ve had to have the motherboard replaced twice by XYZ printing. I just replaced the motherboard about a week ago that had the same issues it stems from the J4 however I have a wiring harness issue also with the extruder check to see if there’s any shorts in the line. That may be the issue

All the best keep me posted

ive checked the J4 fuse and it doesn’t seem to be burnt out and I’ve already gone ahead and bypassing the janky connector and soldered the wires together

Is there any way to test if it’s the thermistor? im starting to realize the Davinci was not the way to go. I’m trying to weigh my options on either paying for parts to fix it or just cut my losses and go for a lower end machine. I don’t use it nearly as much as I use to.

It could be a short in the extruder wiring, use a multimeter I also have had that issue. also ended up putting new connectors because the cheap crap to fix the problem.

The new motherboard Did cost me $75

from Xyz printing

The Da Vinci is not a bad printer

It’s very easy to modify

All the best