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Sep 2016

Hi everyone,

I want to try to print with PLA filament on my XyzPrinting DaVinci 1.0. I was curious as to whether you have to “Upgrade the Nozzle” to print successfully with PLA filament, or if you can simply buy a PLA cartridge, flash it and change the heat settings while doing so, and print that way. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks for your time.


  • created

    Sep '16
  • last reply

    Jan '19
  • 7


  • 14.5k


  • 6


I have flashed repetier onto my davinci 1.0a and pla prints jusy fine, i use repetier host to set the temps and get perfectly good prints The issue with lrinting pla isnt the extruder head or tekp changes, its getting it working without flashing the printer

2 years later

I print wood pla, pla and Abs without any upgrades and without flashing. I slice in slic3r and then print in xyz that allows me to change the temps