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Feb 2016

Yes but you have to do a lot of customizing and put repetier host firmware on your machine. Google Davinci 1.0 e3d v6 hot end to learn more. Thingiverse has the holder files for the hot end.

Yes it can actually. There is a great video series on you tube which shows every step of the process. You will need to flash your Da Vinci though.

Here is a playlist I made with all of the videos. null - YouTube 138

I’m doing a dual e3d v6 hotend swap on my Da Vinci Duo this weekend. I flashed it to use Repetier I don’t know how long a go but it is SOOOOOO much better than the XYZWare. Plus you don’t need to use their filament. I don’t know about J-Head but I know it has been done on the 1.0 with a E3D V6. Ethanleep put a link to the viedos that I saw that I am using to do my upgrade.